About us

1 Million Women is a movement of over 990,000 women and girls. We are a registered environmental charity and everything we do - our campaigns and events, our educational content, our research into behaviour change, our climate action app, and our LoveEarth Marketplace - is to empower women and girls to change the way they live to act on climate change.  
Behaviour change isn't easy. But it is one of the most significant ways we can cut global carbon emissions and by choosing where we do and don't spend our money, together we can begin to build a climate-safe future.
Our LoveEarth Marketplace showcases all the brands and organisations we love and those that we believe are providing solutions to help us live with the least impact on the planet in every aspect of our lives.
Our LoveEarth Marketplace embraces the love of Earth, a theme dear to our hearts at 1 Million Women and will help us all live the most community driven, earth loving life possible.
When you buy products on our marketplace, they are shipped directly from our brands. 1 Million Women has chosen not to purchase stock so that we can minimise the carbon miles associated with shipping and warehousing. This means our shipping costs may be a little more expensive than those on online shops.

A small percentage from sales made on the LoveEarth Marketplace is given to 1 Million Women to help us continue our work empowering women and girls from across the globe to act on climate change.