Donate to 1 Million Women

1 Million Women is a registered charity. Every dollar donated helps 1 Million Women to continue our critical work empowering millions of women and girls from across the planet to act on climate change.

All donations over $2 are fully tax-deductible.

Or become a 1 Million Women Passionate Supporter by giving a monthly donation here.

All our passionate supporters receive our exclusive seasonal digital magazine: A new issue every 3 months packed full of all the best bits from 1 Million Women from that season plus exclusive content including our meat free recipes, DIY videos and all the tips and solutions for zero carbon living.

Everything we do at 1 Million Women - our campaigns, our research into behaviour change, our content and events, our climate action app and the 1 Million Women LoveEarth Marketplace - is to empower women and girls around the world to change the way they live to build a new world. And we wouldn't be able to do everything that we do without the generous support of our regular and one off donors.